Saturday, December 5, 2009

The Rush To Christmas: Drop 10lbs by Xmas Morning

Dear Patient's and Friends,

So you would love to drop 10lbs by xmas, I wanted to drop 15 between Thanksgiving and Christmas. But wanting to is not always enough. Sometimes we need some motivation, and some company.

This past Tuesday, and long time patient by the name of Bill came in to the office. Bill has been working out like a madman, and doing some great fitness work, but he still wanted to drop some pounds. He said he was going to drop 15 lbs. by Christmas, I said I'm in.

Together we started our quest to drop the weight between the two most difficult dates on the calendar.

While I can not say without his permission what his weight was, and his goal weight, I will share my weight.

I started on 12/1/09 at 185lbs.

Today 12/5/09 I am at 182.5 lbs. Not a bad start, but not good enough.

I also wanted to let you know, that it is not hard to drop the pounds when you have some skin in the game. Some one or a group of people you have commtted to. So I hope that you will use this blog to post your goals, and keep me up to date. Does not even matter if you use your real name, but it does make you that much more accountable.

So please sign in, and sign up. Cost is nothing, prize money is nothing, but the end result is better health. I will continue this after Christmas and the New Year, as I have to get in great shape for my Daughter's Bat Mitzvah.

You can e-mail me directly at to let me know you are getting started.

I already have one other person, and she just sent me her starting number. Off we go.

I am headed to the basement now to begin the process for the day.

Burning calories is fun. Join in.

Your Family Chiropractor,
and Health Coach,

Dr. Jeff

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I would love to have your positive comments after you read the blog. Thanks. Dr. Jeff