Saturday, December 19, 2009

It Ain't So Easy Anymore...

First: Thanks for all the beautiful Christmas cards. I love the pix. of the kids and families. Second if you and the family take a great pix. this holiday season, or go on a trip together bring me in a great family picture. We are adding to our boards. I enjoy seeing you in real life, with huge smiles on your faces.
Please check the holidays hours for Christmas week, and New Year's week below.
Alright, a quick update. It is 5:45am, Saturday morning. December 19th. Only 6 more days to go to reach my goal of 15lbs dropped before Christmas day.
Well, as I noted above, it sure is not as easy as it used to be. Can't make too many excuses. I have been eating well, no drinking alcohol. I don't drink soda, and even with Hanukkah finished, I can't say that I ate too many carb's.
I have dropped a little more than 5 lbs. so far, which in reality is great. Normally most of us gain the 10 between Halloween and Christmas, so for that much I am happy.

One thing I can say is that I have been having to do this weight loss mostly by way of diet, life after the office has been pretty hectic this time of the year, coupled with insurance company requests, and the need to write tons of reports to have MRI's and the like approved. But to me that is what it takes on a daily basis. I have to wake up even earlier, and just "get 'er done".
I don't know if I can burn off 10 lbs. in five days, but if I even going to get close it will have to include more exercise. Looks like mother nature might oblige, with a snow storm today and some shoveling.
So for now, no cheap, great tasting carbs this week, it will be green protein shakes, lots of low carb veggies to munch on (celery is my new best friend), little to no alcohol at parties, lots of water with lemon, tea, and cardio/aerobic based weight training as much as possible.
Good luck to each of you. I have been getting lot's of great e-mails, and the good news is that the guy that started this entire thing is down 12 lbs. already, and working out like a mad man. What a change in his body composition, and other are down between 3-5lbs as well.
Don't every give up on your health.

Your Family Chiropractor,
and Health Coach,

Dr. Jeff
Great health tip.
Get up early, and do something for your health first thing every day. Health can't be just about luck, sometimes you have to earn the good health part.
Visit the blog and join us today.

Office Hours This Coming Week and New Years Week
Monday 9am-12:30pm and 3-7pm
Tuesday: 5-8pm
Wednesday: 9am-12:30pm and 3-7pm
Thursday (Christmas Eve: 9am to 3pm straight through lunch)
Thanks for all your kind referrals this week. Call or stop in for your adjustment.


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I would love to have your positive comments after you read the blog. Thanks. Dr. Jeff