Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Morning Workout Ideas: Body weight exercises 12-8-09


  1. Moving more is definitely the way to go during these holidays. I find it hard to pass up all the treats this time of year so I will try to do some squats. Being a female, I cannot do even one of your pushups - I have no upper body strength.

  2. Great Point Erin,
    Push-ups can be tough on the ladies. I love the idea of doing body weight squats to burn the calories. After talking with all my trainer friends,I still suggest doing at least one push up at a time to start to build up your upper body strength. Even though they are hard, you will always need to use the arms at some time to save your life,or someone else's life. As in CPR.
    Keep up the great work.
    Dr. Jeff


I would love to have your positive comments after you read the blog. Thanks. Dr. Jeff