Sunday, March 22, 2009

First Question I have had: How Did I Start the process of getting fit.

Hey Everyone,

I received a great question: I will post it below, but take out the names in case they did not want names shared.

Hey Doc,
Its your patient .... and once again my back is out. In Jan. I made the same realization that you did and decided to change. I started cooking and eating healthier and when I did go to the gym I found it hard to do for a long period of time. I had a trainer etc but my weight and health were the culprits. I went to a dr. and found I have high cholesterol and on the border of diabetes. Losing weight will help all of the above. I will be 48 in Sept.
So now I am taking it serious and need to lose 25+lbs. So tell what have you done to help yourself?

Great First Question,

I asked my wife Chris to help with this one, and since I only have a minute before we start watching a movie on
this Sunday night, she nailed it.

To Reach My Goal I had to have a big enough reason why!

That was it. I needed to really want it. What was my reason, I believe it is simple.

I love to have fun. I love to play with my kids, and do things with my wife. I love taking care of you, my patients,
and I want to be in great shape for all of these reasons.

So, how did I start.

I stopped making excuses and looking for reasons for life to get in the way of my workouts, and put my workouts first.

I never need an alarm, so it was getting my butt up early, like 4:30am, and getting to the gym by 5am and back home to help with the kids by 6am or 6:15am.

That was the start.

I would love to hear each of you post some stories about what make you say enough, and starts you on your way to being fit. Let's make this a wonderful, welcome community of success stories.

I will do all I can to help.

Dr. B

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I would love to have your positive comments after you read the blog. Thanks. Dr. Jeff