Sunday, March 22, 2009

6 week Count Down Begins

Dear Friends, 3-22-09

It is amazing to me that a long term goal that I set back in September of 2008 is only 6 weeks away.

First I want to welcome you to my new blog.

I am hoping to generate interest in a fit lifestyle of more of the people I care for each day in the office, and for their friends and family members.

As a guy that helps people to feel better through chiropractic care for the past 15 years, I took a look in the mirror this past September, and saw a 44 year old pretty fat and out of shape guy.

Then, I saw a picture of me hanging out in the pool with one of my best friends from growing up, and really got a view that scared me to death.

I was 44 and fat. Now, I am not saying that I got over the 200 lb. mark, but I was close.
For a person only 5 ft. 7 1/2 inches tall, that is way overweight.

Well and luck would have it, I knew what to do.

I needed to add water and stir.

It was time to get fit. I don't me just a little fit, I mean super fit.

So I started getting in condition, and set a goal to have six pack abs by my 45th birthday.

Well, on May 5th this year, I will turn 45. I have some fat to get rid of still, but I am very close to hitting the goal.

I would love to hear from you, and hope to start a fitness revolution within my practice.

I plan on using this forum to help you, and others to reach their goals, and feel great once again.

Please don't hold me to proper grammar, spelling, or fancy designs.

This blog is a way to get ideas down quickly.

So please read, and pass the info on.

P.S. Please check fitnesstweet also. I don't know how to use twitter yet, but learning.

Your Chiropractor,

Dr. Jeff Ben-Ezra

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I would love to have your positive comments after you read the blog. Thanks. Dr. Jeff